Welcome to the office of Dr. Naran
Dr. Naran is a Family Physician and a Muscular Pain Specialist, dedicated to healing your pain. Dr. Naran specializes in Trigger Point Therapy and Laser Acupuncture.
Dr. Naran’s patients have shown significant reduction in pain after a few treatments. Patients sleep better and have a greater range of movement. Patients cut down on anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication usage and return to their normal activities in a shorter period of time. Please review some of our patient testimonials.

After great success, the 20 pounds in 42 days challenge is coming back! Call immediately to reserve a spot.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
I had pain in my lower back, hip and leg for 1 year. I went for Intra muscular stimulation, Chiropractor, Physiotherapy, Massage therapy and spent a thousand dollars on treating my pain. They felt good for a short time and then, the pain would come back.Overall, I had 9 treatments of trigger point and laser acupuncture, and the thing I loved the most was the immediate sense of relief. Initially, when I came in for my treatment, I wouldn’t be able to walk up the stairs. After leaving Dr. Naran’s office, I wouldn’t have to take the elevator. So, I was surprised at what a big immediate sense of relief there was. I was also surprised at how long the relief lasted in between treatments. After every treatment, the pain would get better. I find that this immediate effect is so rare with other treatments! The laser acupuncture seemed so simple and it was amazing how well I took to that treatment. I like both, trigger point and laser acupuncture treatment because of the consistency, and the muscle is given “permission” to go back to normal or heal. It’s been 6 months since my treatment and now there’s no pain. It feels like the pain was never there at all
For over 30 years, I have had extreme pain, discomfort and spasms in my back, buttocks, wrists and foot. My life/body before Trigger Point treatment was extremely painful. It prevented me from doing almost everything comfortably, from walking up stairs, to making the bed, it all seemed impossible. I couldn’t do the simplest of things like bending or even exercise. My sleep was affected as well, because every time I woke up, I had pain. When I had to shift, and move, I would have pain. Ever since I received Trigger Point treatment, I feel like I’ve been given a small miracle and it is working. I can use the stairs now and do many other things that I could not do before.I realized the pain cannot go away immediately in just one or two treatments, but it takes time. I have had both laser and trigger point therapy and although laser therapy is really good, personally I have had more success with the trigger point treatment. My husband, on the other hand noticed substantial differences with the laser acupuncture in combination with the trigger point treatment for his pain.The thing I like the most about trigger point therapy is that it doesn’t hurt. Dr. Naran is amazing. A lot of people are worried that the treatment will be like acupuncture, but it is not. With trigger point treatment, the needle is very fine and I notice immediate relief. When I first came to see Dr. Naran, the right side of my back felt like a cement or hard wood block. Now, it seems like I have soft malleable tissue around there. That’s an extraordinary feeling! I call Dr. Naran, Dr. Painless. My great thanks to Dr. Naran and the great team, they have given me back my life.
I was experiencing migraine headaches and muscle tension for about 5 years and my family doctor suggested that I should try Dr.Naran. Before, I was in so much pain and it was just a miserable time for me. I have got a lot of relief from the Trigger Point treatment. I get less headaches and it has really improved my overall well being and life. What I like the most about trigger point therapy is that it relaxes me and it works surprisingly fast!
We cannot stress enough the difference the whole Rejuv program has made for us. We love the fact that the program is all under ‘one roof’ so to speak. You have Dr. Naran who is the doctor; Leslie the nutritionist and Nazim the physical trainer (plus Sura who manages all the components). Dr. Naran is very intuitive and compassionate, something that a lot of Western doctors are not. His trigger points are spot on and he is there to keep an eye on any medical issues that are present or may crop up. Leslie is phenomenal with her nutrition expertise. Stephen has had acid all his life and was on some very heavy duty antacids and now with our diet being more alkaline, his acid issues have virtually disappeared. His digestion is so much better now without bloating. We love the recipes from the Rejuv University and also the cookbooks that Leslie has recommended. I can’t believe how much I enjoy Kombucha and sauerkraut. They taste great and make me feel good!
I have had a lot of nerve damage and Sciatica in my left leg and I was trying every treatment imaginable to no avail. I started working with Nazim and the pain has decreased dramatically. I have a physical job working with people with physical disabilities and I feel so much stronger and fitter. When I first started working with Nazim I was very weak but I am amazed at how much more I am able to do now. Stephen has Fibromyalgia and too much exercise can exhaust him but Nazim allows Stephen to do the workouts at his own pace and Stephen has felt a difference in his body.
Thank you all so much. Keep up the good work!!
The entire Rejuv team is very knowledgeable, helpful and understanding. From Day 1, we felt as if we were in good hands and the team had our best interests in mind. We were struggling with weight loss and fitness issues due to time management problems. However, Dr. Naran instilled positivity in us that we can make this happen and they will help us through the 90-day program. We were introduced to Leslie who is a very passionate, understanding and kind nutritionist. She set us up for success while making us understand that diet is #1 priority to losing weight and isn’t an easy path. The first week switching diet was not easy, but knowing the final goal, we braved it. Nazim worked on improving mobility and flexibility on our past injury prone areas. All in all, 60 days in, we have not only lost weight but also feel stronger, more confident, and healthier as we eat the right foods for our body’s wellbeing. Thank you Rejuv!
I had a herniated disc about 5-6 years ago, and I had muscle soreness and tenderness in the injured area. Before trigger point therapy, I would have flare ups once a month and ever since I started the treatment, the frequency has reduced. What I liked the most is how quickly I recovered. When I was going to a chiropractor, the relief would last maybe a week and then I would have to go back again for treatment. But Trigger Point treatment seems to maintain the level of low pain. What surprised me the most about trigger point treatment is that it actually works!
I got into an accident at a hospital I work at and got injured by a patient. For almost a year, I had the pain in my right shoulder, hand and hip.Before trigger point therapy, my life was at its worst, I couldn’t even sleep at night. It was really the worst, I could say. I used to have pain all the time before trigger point, but after the treatment I felt good. What I like most about the treatment is that it relaxes me. I now have a good night’s sleep, which is what I need the most. I would recommend trigger point therapy to other people, because I feel good and I think others should feel good too. The best part was to see the pain go away so quickly.
For a long time, I experienced pain in my arm and I couldn’t move it. I tried everything and nothing would work including physiotherapy and other different methods. I almost gave up as I was in so much pain. Every time I went to a doctor they suggested doing surgery and the thought of surgery scared me. But when I was introduced to Dr. Naran’s method of Trigger Point treatment, it was just amazing! It made a huge difference to me. I began to my daily walks as earlier I couldn’t move much because of the pain. I felt with other methods of treatment or medication, I had to wait a long time. Either I had to repeat treatment often or take too much medication. With trigger point therapy, I felt so much better and within a week the pain was gone. I keep telling all my friends or anybody I see with pain about this method of therapy. I am so happy to have found out about Trigger Point treatment. I am done with all my pain.
I had chronic headaches almost every day. I felt a lot of dizziness and pain and basically had trouble just getting through the day. This severe problem went on for a year. Now, with trigger point treatment, my headaches have virtually gone, the dizziness is rare and I see a significant difference. I feel 75-80 % better with trigger point therapy and laser acupuncture. My quality of life is a lot better now and I can get through the day without headaches. I am able to do a lot more with my day, I spend more time playing with my daughter and I am enjoying life a lot more. I wasn’t aware of trigger point therapy till a few months ago. The once a week treatment is great, especially with a busy schedule. This is the only treatment I found that helps and makes a difference within just a couple of weeks.
Thank you for introducing me to trigger point needling and providing relief for the pain in my knees from a torn ligament. What a difference. The more common physiotherapy treatments of acupuncture, inferential, ultrasound, etc. had had little effect on the healing but within a couple of days of the first trigger point needling session, there was significant improvement and with each subsequent treatment, the healing has increased. The relief of pain and relaxing of tensed muscles has allowed the injured area to heal naturally. So simple a procedure with such huge results. Thank you again!!!
Dr. Naran and his acupuncture treatments helped me more in just two weeks than western medicine did in several months. In fact, Dr. Naran was able to reverse the damage done to my body by months of traditional “treatment.” He is truly a gifted healer and acupuncture worked very well on me.
After suffering for good 30 years from chronic Achilles tendon inflammation, Dr. Naran managed what no other physician was able to achieve. After a number of treatments with his Trigger Point therapy and K-Laser I can walk and run again. This to me borders on a miracle. Dr. Naran used the same approach on my lower back with equally great results. There is no reason to suffer in vain. Thank You.
Dr. Naran’s acupuncture treatment have been a blessing to me over the past 8 years. When standard medical remedies have failed to relieve musculoskeletal pain, I have responded to acupuncture quickly, and with often astounding success. One example in particular springs to mind when I was in agony with shoulder bursitis. Nothing had worked to relieve the intense pain in my shoulder, and I was ready to go to emergency for a shot of morphine, when a colleague sent me to Dr. Naran. Several needles later, my pain was gone completely. I was able to return to my normal activities, and only a few supplemental treatment sessions were needed. I can firmly attest to the beneficial effects of acupuncture, and often refer patients to Dr. Naran for treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders.
Dr. Naran introduced trigger point therapy to me a few months ago for my aching shoulder. I had been suffering from it for years and had gone to a chiropractor and physiotherapist to get it treated. After just 2 trigger point injections ( which lasted less than a minute each) , I could get practically 95% motion out of my shoulder without suffering from pain. This is miraculous, considering the everyday task of reaching behind my back to put my bra on in the morning would send me into excruciating pain. I would highly recommend this treatment- it is highly effective and moreover covered under the BC Health Card ! Thanks Dr. Naran!
Ignorance caused me to suffer from shoulder pain for more than 2 years. I didn’t know what was causing my shoulder to hurt when I would reach for something in the back seat of my car or reach overhead into my kitchen cupboards. I just thought I had an arthritic shoulder and was going to have to live with the aches and pains for the rest of my life. During a routine visit to Dr. Naran, I was surprised to learn that trigger point therapy could help; it wasn’t arthritis at all but the muscles surrounding my shoulder that caused my pain. I decided to see if it would help and proceeded right then and there. He worked the muscles to find the spot where there was a “knot” and gently inserted the needle. I felt the muscle twitch, which told him he had the right spot, and he then moved onto another 3 areas. After 4 simple injections I felt immediate relief. My mobility increased and the pain subsided by 90% in the first week and since my second treatment I can honestly say that I only get an occasional twinge now and then. I can’t believe I was going to put up with pain for the rest of my life because I didn’t know about this remarkable treatment technique! I’m thrilled to endorse Dr. Naran to anyone suffering pain needlessly.
I have found acupuncture to be highly effective for certain conditions that fail to respond to conventional treatment. I have also witnessed first-hand the positive effects of acupuncture for some of my own musculo-skeletal problems, such as neck dysfunction and tennis elbow.
As an avid sports enthusiasts, I was not able to fully participate in sports related activities due to long term chronic knee pain. A friend of mine recommended Dr. Naran. I was initially skeptical about the Trigger Point Therapy, however,I still gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised to notice significant improvement in a short time. I have now returned to him for my past rotating cuff tear injury which has flared up recently. I am confident that Dr. Naran’s expertise will bring about positive results. I appreciate his optimistic approach and particular expertise. I hope you will find this positive feedback helpful.
Thanks for the healthy back! I have had a very sore back for most of my life. The last three years have been almost unbearable. I tried everything with no success. My boyfriend told me about Dr. Naran’s trigger point treatments so I came down to Vancouver and made an appointment. I didn’t have much faith that it would work, and was rather nervous about needles. I limped into his office in April 2008. I walked out 15 minutes later, with all the pain in my back completely gone. I had one more treatment a few days later, and have had absolutely no pain ever since. I can’t believe it! No pain. The first time in many years. I am so happy. Thanks a lot Dr.Naran.
I am a thirty-four year old mom of two kids, who was having chronic pain. Over the last two years, I had a total of four surgeries to relieve adhesions. I was told there was nothing more medically that did not involve more surgery or pain medications. My fiance is a long time patient of Dr. Naran and suggested I give a try!! Well, within the first day of treatment, my pain was decreased by 60% and I could sleep that night. With the second treatment, I was completely pain free without the use of medications. Dr Naran is truly a miracle worker! I am so blessed to be his patient and be cured without surgery. Thank you Dr Naran.
For the past 5 years, I have suffered from superficial numbness in my right thigh whenever I stood or walked slowly for more than ten minutes. The result was not painful, but rather annoying because I could never tell what was in my pockets and my clothing rubbing on the skin created a “pins and needle” tingling. The effect wore off if I sat or walked briskly. I have not been able to identify any causal event. After discussing this situation with Dr Naran, he suggested trigger point therapy in the affected muscle. On examination, he found a very sensitive muscle in my groin which I had not noticed before. It took all of five minutes to inject the anesthetic into several locations in my upper thigh just below the sensitive area. The next time, I was in a prolonged standing situation was two days later while painting some moulding strips. The job took at least two hours and I suddenly realized I had experienced no numbness. I have had no recurrences of the numbness since even though I have been in several situations when it would have occurred. I am not sure quite how this treatment works, but it does work for me. It has been a full week now and when I returned to Dr Naran today for follow up, he decided there was no need for further treatment. So five minutes of treatment cleared up five years of superficial numbness. Well worth a few jabs!
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145 West 15th St, Suite #206A, North Vancouver BC, V7M 1R9, Canada
Accupuncture Deparment: (604) 986-4214
Weightloss Depamrtment:(604) 499-3470
Monday, Thursday,Sunday: Closed
Tuesday: 8:30am – 12:00pm 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 12:00pm – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am – 12:00pm 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Saturday:9:00am – 1:00pm